
I’m a passionate software engineer who specializes in distributed systems and dev tools.

GitHub Website

I am always open to new opportunities. I’m particularly interested in relocating to other countries, especially Europe, Canada, or the United States. If you are interested in working with me, please feel free to contact me.

My name is Rustin and I’m a passionate software engineer who specializes in distributed systems and dev tools.

As a software engineer at PingCAP, my main focus is on enhancing TiDB, which is an open-source distributed SQL database. I am also a core maintainer of TiCDC, which is a Change Data Capture (CDC) system for TiDB.

I am also a big believer in open source. I contribute to the Rust community, where I am working on two areas:

I used to be a maintainer of Rustup, which is a toolchain manager for Rust.

Programming languages I primarily code in:

Languages I speak:

You can contact me by clicking badges above or below badges, or e-mailing me directly. My email address is on my GitHub profile.

GitHub Website